
  • Noticing Nature Workshop:  An Introduction to Nature Journaling Instructor:  Molly Torrey, Nature Artist and Educator, May 13 and May 28

  • Mixed Media Workshop: Dried Flowers & Artistic Prints Instructor:  Taline Saatjian, artist, May 16

  • Making Silver Jewelry with Metal Clay Workshop Instructor:  Hilary Taylor, Silversmith/Jeweler, May 9 and May 22

  • Drawing with Confidence Instructor:  Namrata Siviya, artist,  Mondays, 10:00am-12:00pm, 5/5-6/2

Classes with the Bedford Recreation Department

BACS is pleased to offer classes co-sponsored with the Bedford Recreation Department. To see the current brochure,  click here to view Adult Spring/Summer 2025 brochure.

Register in person, by mail or by fax.  You may register in person at at Bedford Recreation, 12 Mudge Way, Monday-Friday, 8-4 or online

BACS and Bedford Recreation Department: A Creative Collaboration

BACS and Bedford Recreation Department: A Creative Collaboration

The Bedford Arts and Crafts Society (BACS) partners with the Bedford Recreation Department to offer community members enriching and creative opportunities through a variety of artistic classes. This collaboration allows BACS to recommend classes that align with the...

Class Opportunities: Bedford Recreation Winter Program

Class Opportunities: Bedford Recreation Winter Program

The winter programs are now open and for registrations. Some of these classes fill up quickly so don't wait too long. You will find all the information you need here. Link:...

Class Opportunities: at Bedford Recreation

Class Opportunities: at Bedford Recreation

It’s not too late to sign up for the following two Recreation Department workshops that are co-sponsored with BACS. Woolen Winter Tabletop Tree Decoration with Marcy YoungJoin Marcy on Tuesday, November 12, 7:00 –8:30 p.m., to make a winter/holiday tabletop tree....

Class Opportunities at Bedford Recreation

Class Opportunities at Bedford Recreation

If you’re looking to learn something new this fall, Bedford Recreation is offering an assortment of art and craft workshops and classes. The following four are co-sponsored with BACS.•Introduction to Gouache with Laurie EngdahlThis class, which will be offered in two...

Class Opportunities at Bedford Recreation

A sure sign that autumn is on the way is the imminent publication of the Bedford RecreationDepartment’s brochure of fall workshops and classes. The catalog will be online the week ofAugust 19, with online registration formally opening on Monday, August 26, at 8:00...