It’s not too late to sign up for the following two Recreation Department workshops that are co-
sponsored with BACS.

Woolen Winter Tabletop Tree Decoration with Marcy Young
Join Marcy on Tuesday, November 12, 7:00 –8:30 p.m., to make a winter/holiday tabletop tree. Students will use wool fabric and will clip, cut, pin, and glue to create a tree that they will then decorate with beads. You will find additional information in the Rec Department’s Adult Fall 2024 brochure at, or phone the department at 781-275-1392. To register online, go to at Winter 2025 brochures will be posted around Thanksgiving.
Introduction to Gouache with Laurie Engdahl
This three-week evening workshop begins on November 14 and runs to December 5, with a skip on November 28 for Thanksgiving. The focus will be on the basics of painting with gouache, a versatile water-based medium.