Ada Cooprider Art

Bedford Day was a chilly, drippy affair, but the weather didn’t dampen the spirits of the many members who volunteered at the BACS outdoor craft tables and those who set up and hosted the art show. Thanks to all for their support, kindness, and good cheer. 

Doris Smith Best in show
Doris Smith, Best in show

The BACS annual Regional Art Show took place on Bedford Day. Marc Holland made a fine debut as our juror, and the gallery was packed with enthusiastic viewers. We had more than 90 entries, a notable jump from recent years. 

A number of BACS members, along with a handful of non-members, received recognition in the show. Best of Show went to Doris Smith for her painting A Snowy Day. The award for Outstanding Composition went to Diane Bennett, with honorable mentions to Maria Green, Raksha Soni, and Namrata Siviya. Recognition for Originality of Approach was given to Kathy DeFlice-Secor, with honorable mentions to Gloria Tsai, Taline Saatjian, and Gail Terrell. The award for Outstanding Work in 2D went to Doris Smith, and honorable mentions were extended to Laura Wallace, Ellen Hurley, and Sylvia Mallory. Kati Oates received top honors for outstanding work in 3D, and Stephen Wetzel and Victoria Roark won honorable mentions. Congratulations to all! 

The paintings offered in our silent auction were sold. We thank Laura Wallace and Yvonne Sandell for their contributions–Twilight by Laura Wallace and Pansies by Maria Miller and Yvonne